THE PRESTIGE - General rules

1. Do not cause or feed drama. This applies both in and outside the guild.
* Respect people outside the guild, if you cause drama that will reflect negatively at us.
* If you are a ninja you will get kicked.

2. Respect the officers. They have been promoted because they have been proven worthy.
* If you have a problem then go straight to an officer.

* Take things up with officers when its a small problem instead of waiting until it becomes a big problem.

3. Do not charge other members for crafting or sevices.
* As long as guildies have the materials, crafting should always be free.

* If you get a fancy item from a PUG, it is appreciated if you sell it within the guild for a fair price.

5. Alts are allowed in the guild if you use them actively. If and alt goes inactive they will be removed.
* Entering raids with an alt when needed will earn you love from Dunez.

6. Stay positive.
* Always stay positive in raids. It only takes one negative person to ruin a whole raid.
* Negativity in raids can lead to a kick if the it continues after a warning.

7. Sign up for most raids and always be on time.
* This more for your own sake, the more active members will be invited more often.

Guild Bank

1. If you withdraw items from the guild bank you need to contribute in another way. Deposit items that others may need or a small amount of gold. Only depoit Cata-level items.

2. Do not withdraw items for your own economical gain. Ie. You are not allowed to take items to sell or to make things that you will sell.
3. Do not take items from the bank to give alts or other players. The bank is only for the guilds raiding.
4. The guild bank is there to help us with raiding. Do not use potions or other items from the guild bank in PUGs or Heroics.


1. Have DeadlyBossMod or equal mod installed. You can download this from
2. Have Ventrilo installed and correctly configured before raid. Install at
3. Sign for ALL raids every week and try to sign as soon as possible. Not on the same day.
4. Show up before time. When you are signed for a raid, confirmed or not, show up before time. Don't be late.
5. Know the tactics. Read up and watch the movies of the bosses we are farming and the ones we are progressing on.

6. You are not allowed to PUG an instance that we are raiding. If you want to PUG for any reason, talk to me first. If you don't have a really good reason, expect a NO. BH is okey to PUG at the moment but it is appreciated if you come on the guild-run.

8. Focus. When in a raid, do not go AFK without telling the raidleader in advance. We do not accept you having to go away to eat or walk the dog/fish or anything like that. Eat before the raid.


We require all of our members to have the best possible gems and enchants, no matter what your gear is like. Epic gems are not required but you should use the gems you can get a hold of on your 397+ gear.